swift travel deals

Book your cruise or vacation travel package for as little as $50 down! Book up to a year in advance to lock in the lowest rates!

Payment Plan Vacation Packages
Swift Travel Deals offers Worldwide Customized Payment Plan Vacations for clients around the world! This option allows you to book your vacation in advance (without paying the full amount upfront) which will allow you to vacation as often as you like, stick to your preferred budget and plan vacations ahead of time.
Book/Now Pay Later Hotels
Swift Travel Deals offers worldwide book now/pay later hotel options allowing you to secure your hotel stay with zero down and payment due at check in. Book up to a year in advance to lock in the lowest rates!
Worldwide Destination Weddings, Honeymoons and Events:
Worldwide Destination Weddings, Honeymoons and Events with Payment Plan Options: Swift Travel Deals offers full service wedding and event packages and discounted wedding and honeymoon travel packages with payment plan options. Swift Travel Deals also offers on site assistance, location selection and registry services that allow family and friends to pay funds towards your wedding package, destination wedding or honeymoon travel package, initial deposit, hotel/resort activities and/or entertainment.
Ask about our $50 down vacations and cruises!
Worldwide Payment Plan Vacations
Worldwide Payment Plan Cruises
Swift Travel Deals offers worldwide payment plans on select cruises worldwide with the option to reserve your cruise up to a year in advance! $50 down will hold your cruise and allow you to pay over time and also lock in the lowest rates!